I suspect it is hard to love a Therapist
One of my colleagues Jamila Dawson shared this wonderful article about life of a therapist. Please feel free to copy and paste if it resonates with you. “I suspect it
One of my colleagues Jamila Dawson shared this wonderful article about life of a therapist. Please feel free to copy and paste if it resonates with you. “I suspect it
The strong-willed child, usually observable very early on. Constantly on, constantly challenging the status quo, and constantly testing boundaries in an attempt to learn information about their world.
I am a mother of a strong-willed child. Very early before his first birthday, I had some clear clues about his temperament. Let me tell you about him.
I always say parenting is not easy. Who wouldn’t agree with me? I think most parents would. Parenting is all about consistently repeating, reminding, reasoning, explaining, arguing, debating, bargaining, punishing, earning, and pleading for cooperation. And it is EXHAUSTING.
Even though we all are different, and each of us uses their own unique parenting style (see “Becoming a Calming Authority”), we are all still affected by our child’s need for a consistent and active parental presence.
Most parents today are very determined to do everything “right” for their children. Just like many other parents, I am reading tons of book on parenting, child development and education looking for the answers to how I can give my child the right kind of life.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, a psychologist named Walter Mischel conducted a series of studies on delayed gratification. These studies are now called “The Stanford Marshmallow Experiment.” If you want to watch the marshmallow experiment on YouTube, go for it.
Recently I took my child to Mother’s Beach in Marina del Rey. It’s a beautiful place to spend time with kids. My boy had fun running back and forth from the water to the beach. After a while, another mother came to the beach with her two children ages 4 and 6 and put her blanket and beach toys near us.
Alexandra Afanasyeva, Licensed MFT #93667 © 2022 All Rights Reserved Terms of Use and Privacy Policy